Good journalism. Better societies.

IMS (International Media Support) pushes for quality journalism, challenges repressive laws and keeps media workers of all genders safe, so that they can do their jobs. Through alliances and innovation, we help free, independent media contribute to positive change and better societies.

Latest news and publications


IMS, FPU and others call on the Venezuelan authorities to guarantee freedom of expression and protect journalists

Given the current electoral situation in Venezuela, the undersigned international organisations and regional networks defending freedom of the press and expression express their concern about the attacks against national and international journalists who are documenting the events happening in the country, as well as activists, demonstrators, and the general population. We urge the Venezuelan authorities to fulfil their obligation to guarantee and protect the exercise of freedom of expression and peaceful association, as well as  to guarantee the safety of journalists working in the country.

In depth

Special projects and other areas of focus

War in Gaza: a deadly time for journalists

Journalists in Gaza are struggling to stay alive and keep themselves and their families safe while continuing their crucial work. Working conditions are dismal, there is a lack of internet and frequent information blackouts. If we lose the journalists in Gaza, we lose trustworthy information from the war zone, human suffering will go unnoticed and war crimes undocumented.

IMS in Ukraine

IMS' current Ukraine programme began in 2020 as part of the New Democracy Fund. While IMS' original ambitions had been to strengthen civil society partnerships in Ukraine, the scope of the programme changed dramatically following Russia's invasion in February 2022.

UN Plan of Action

The UNPA is the backdrop for IMS’ collaborations with local partners to establish national safety mechanisms, a priority for IMS in our work to improve the safety of journalists.