Professional election reporting SomalilandOct. 2017Handbook Guidelines for journalists covering the Somaliland elections 2017.DownloadsenProfessional election reporting SomalilandsoNoqo doorasho tebiye xirfad lehPrintEmailShareTweetShareRelated contentImpact29 Jul. 2024Creating safer conditions for journalistsIMS partners are working to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of journalists.Blog26 Jul. 2024Cutting through the hypeIMS partners are beginning to use AI and exploring what it can – and can’t – do.Blog25 Jul. 2024Coalitions and networks as the bedrock of media transformation in Africa: a case for continued global solidarityAt a time when global solidarity and common purpose is wobbling, weighed down by ideological polarity and pressing national and global issues, the historical and transformative support provided by the Swedish government through SIDA to media development in Africa remains a landmark of support for the formation of media coalitions and networks.