New opportunities for environmental and climate change journalism in China

There is widespread dismay at the environmental consequences, both for China and for the rest of the world, of China’s rapid industrialisation. In China the government has shown concern and responded; many nongovernmental environmental organisations have been set up and the media have demonstrated awareness of the issues. This report focuses on how environmental and climate-change issues are reflected by Chinese journalists.

近些年来中国迅猛的工业化进程对环境所造成的影响已经引起中国和国际社会 的广泛担忧。中国政府对此表示出极大的关注并已采取一些相应的行动;非政 府环保组织大量涌现,中国媒体对环保问题也开始关注。该报告关注的焦点是 中国的记者和媒体工作者如何反应和报道环境以及气候变化的议题。